Fitness for life – A journey through exercise and nutrition
by Hearts and Minds Media
Sections include :
Basics of fitness
How fit are you?
How heavy are you?
Exercise training
Weights training
Foreward: This publication began in 2002 after leaving the regular armed forces and joining the territorial army, prior to this I had done my apprenticeship in football coaching (Soccer skills community coaching scheme) and started the journey to learning the right choices on diet and fitness which prepared me for the army. As a teenager, I had almost no education from the state on dietary advice and exercise apart from run till you drop as an overweight child. My motivation for this was to distribute it online and in disk format to whoever wishes to learn about diet and fitness because of my own journey and applying that knowledge through sports coaching, instruction and volunteering to youth sector, Duke of Edinburgh leadership and the cadet force.
The biggest influence on the refinement of the writing and approach especially towards elite level fitness was from Ranulph Fiennes Fitness book: Fit for life and Alliance computers for working with me to produce the Mini-Cd’s (50mb) to distribute to local schools, colleges and clients.
Sports Wales (2005) had a role to play in allowing presentations of the material and building it into a presentation series which is also found on the website (heartsmmedia) Hearts and Minds media who edited the material and presented it into this format for distribution online. YMCA Fitness London for their consultation of the material and their training which helped to form the weight training and circuits exercises.
Despite revisiting the book after 10 years and continuing my journey through sports psychology now I still hope that one more person reached can help their choices for leading a fuller life. And also call for greater changes in legislation on fast food, proper food advice for kids, involvement across generations for community sports.
Sports are such a great teacher. I think of everything they’ve taught me: camaraderie, humility, how to resolve differences.
Kobe Bryant
Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live. Jim Rohn