How To Eat Clean And Lose Weight Fast Naturally And Permanently: A Complete Guide To Clean Eating (Eat Clean Lose Weight Book 1)

”Medical Discoveries That Reveal Secrets to Permanent Weight Loss”

Finally a book that plainly explains the real reasons why nearly 250 million people in the U.S. are suffering from obesity/overweight…

… and reveals the exact formula medical researchers have discovers will lead to permanent weight loss that doesn’t require dieting, surgery or diet pills!

In How to Eat Clean and Lose Weight Fast Naturally and Permanently, you will learn:

Why Over 95% of All Dieters Fail to Achieve Permanent Weight Loss

If you have been struggling to achieve permanent weight loss, have tried one diet after another and have continued to fail to keep the weight off long-term, you are not alone.

According to market research nearly 100 million American adults are actively trying to either lose weight or maintain their current weight, and of those more than 95% fail to do so, and in fact, regain back all the weight they lost within 3 year.

When it comes to losing weight, diets DO work, but they cannot be sustained long-term.

Losing weight and reaching your ideal weight shouldn’t be about calorie-restrictive diets, feeling deprived, or having to starve yourself; instead it should be about eating lots of healthy, delicious, and nutritious foods that keep you satiated and give you sustained physical and mental energy throughout the day.

The Real Causes of Food Addiction and Over-Eating

Learn what certain food ingredients cause changes in the brain that leads to altered brain chemistry which causes food addiction.

Many experts believe food addiction is the biggest obstacle to sustained and permanent weight loss and the #1 cause of the overweight/obesity epidemic in the U.S. and the rest of the world.

Food addiction causes uncontrollable food cravings and over-eating which lead to persistent weight gain.

How Eating Clean Can Easily Help You Burn Fat and Shed Pounds

Eating clean healthy foods gives the body the necessary nutrients that encourage the body to release and eliminate stored fat which leads to losing weight quickly and easily.

In this book you will find a complete list of clean healthy foods that will help accelerate your weight loss.

Foods and Ingredients That Cause Excessive Weight Gain

Researchers have found eating certain unhealthy foods lead to consistent weight and fat gain and avoiding these foods help to speed up healthy weight loss.

In this book, you will find a complete list of what foods to avoid and why you should avoid them.

How to Overcome and Stop Food Addiction

After many years of studies, addiction researchers have finally found specific nutrients that can easily reverse changes in the brain that cause food addiction and over-eating.

After reading the chapter on food addictions, you will fully understand the causes and the exact simple steps that will lead to overcoming and stopping food addictions which is a vital condition to permanent weight loss results.

If you have been searching for how to lose weight fast naturally and permanently using the “eat clean” principles, then you will find the information in this book highly valuable and easy to understand.

In addition to the eat clean diet plan, this book contains eat clean recipes, and even how to eat clean for beginners.

You will learn how to eat healthy and how to eat to lose weight, which means you don’t have to worry about how to eat less food or how to eat less calories to lose weight.

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