How To Lose Weight by Changing Your Eating Habits: A guide to sticking to any diet

Have you ever started a new diet or tried to change your eating habits but failed to keep those changes? Cravings, stress, not seeing results as quick as you want, peer pressure, not enough time, are just some of the reasons why people fail to maintain the changes they’ve made.

These failures can play out again and again over months, years or even decades. This process of constantly starting and failing can be hard on you personally and can leave you feeling defeated, frustrated, depressed and wondering what you’re doing wrong.

This book is written to give you the tools to overcome your past failures. Over the years working as a personal trainer, I have trained hundreds of clients who have gone through this exact struggle. And what I have noticed is that they all come up against the same problems.

In this book I will give you the techniques and strategies I use every day to help my clients. Because these tools aren’t specific to any particular diet, they can be used by you no matter what diet you follow or any change you want to make to your eating habits. Making changes and keeping them is the key to your short, medium and long-term results and maintaining those results.

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