Have You Been Struggling to Stop the Weight Gain? Can’t Be Bothered/Too Busy To Cook, YOU NEED THIS BOOK!!!!
“How To Lose Weight While Eating Take Out-Take Away : My Fast Food Diet”
This book looks at the challenge of losing weight in a busy lifestyle where we don’t have the luxury or desire to be cooking ourselves every day.
Eating Take Out or Take Away meals is the norm for many people and this includes the fast food industry which is unavoidable for us wherever we go. This author has had the same struggles, being out on the road with his work all the time means that Peter MacDonald has wrestled with his own weight gain problem for over 15 years.
The author has taken the successes and failures he has had and developed a novel way to communicate the challenges and plans of action that need to be taken to achieve success in the real struggle of losing unwanted fat.
This is not your average weight loss book, you will be inspired to become an expert on your own body, rather than just taking the advice of the many espouses of weight loss expertise that don’t work or don’t make sense.
Everybody is different, so one size does not fit all. You need to get to know your body, and the foods that work for you and you alone, not some fad diet that someone else designed.
Learn to Steer Your Own Food Life and be In Charge with the imaginative descriptions that Peter MacDonald uses to help you make good choices for you.
MAKE A QUALITY CHOICE and Read This Book For Your Health’s Sake – Order It NOW