37 Mouth Watering Smoothies for Weight Loss Limited Time Bonus – 5 Free Ground Breaking Reports on Fat Loss Learn How Smoothies are the Best Kept Secret to Losing Weight! Using smoothies to help you lose weight is more than just a fad, as it can actually help when done right. Doing it right is exactly what this book will teach you. Each ingredient is broken down so that you know exactly why it can be added to the smoothie, and soon after reading this book you will find it easy to experiment with your own smoothies as well. These thirty-seven smoothie recipes are a wonderful way to get started on a weight loss regime. This book also teaches you how to balance your smoothies so that you know exactly what you are putting in your body and why. With everything balanced together you’ll be able to get your body back in balance as well. A balanced body means that weight loss is a little easier, and this book is just the start. These recipes are meant to help with all tastes from the coffee lover to the chocolate lover and everything in between, each recipe is unique and enjoyable. 7 Reasons to Buy This Book 1. This book will teach you thirty-seven different smoothie recipes that can aid in weight loss. 2. This book also breaks down the helpful ingredients of each smoothie so you know exactly why it fits into the recipe. 3. Each element serves a purpose, and from fiber to antioxidants this book will show you how to recognize which ingredients serve what purpose so they can be used later. 4. You’ll find directions for these smoothie recipes as well, making sure that each smoothie comes out perfect. 5. In this book you will learn why smoothie recipes are usually used when it comes to trying to start a weight loss routine. 6. This book also stresses healthy eating and healthy living when coupled with these smoothies to really make the weight loss stick. 7. Inside this book you’ll learn what common mistakes to avoid when using smoothies for weight loss. What You’ll Learn from “Smoothies for Weight Loss” • Why Use Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss? • Smoothie Recipes for the Coffee Lovers • Great Vegan Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss • A Kick of Energy in Your Weight Loss Smoothies • A Few of the Stranger Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss • Weight Loss Smoothies for Chocolate Lovers • What You Should Remember Want to Know More?
Smoothies for Weight Loss: 37 Delicious Smoothies That Crush Cravings, Fight Fat, And Keep You Thin (Smoothie Recipes – Green Smoothies – Fat Loss – Smoothie Recipes – Diet)