Anti-Aging Guide Top Tips: Inspiration and Helpful Advice to Help You Feel Gorgeous and Look Younger

Being gorgeous is a state of mind. This is a nuance that cannot be overlooked. How you feel plays a major part in how you look. This means that any effort to look young and lovely begins by feeling gorgeous.

So if you want to start feeling gorgeous take full stock of yourself. Strip naked in front of a full length mirror and get to know your own body. Because we cannot see our own faces without a mirror and because we see our bodies in bits and pieces, it can be difficult to see ourselves as others see us.

So do it. Look at yourself as if you are seeing yourself for the first time. Make a mental list of three things about yourself. One: what is your best feature? Do you have great eyes? A super smile? Perfect ankles. Pick one feature that is outstanding.

Two: what would you most like to change about yourself? And three: What is your worst feature?

Yes, this last question might seem as if it is a negative thought but it isn’t. After all, your worst feature might not be that bad at all. It might be something that can easily be changed.

Repeat this analysis every day for a week. Get to know yourself and know what is good about you. Remember that this is just one aspect of you that is under study. There is also the body and spirit. While you are doing this experiment by looking at your body, you are training your mind to see you as you are in all your glory.

Amanda’s other books:

Economic Crisis: World Food System – The Battle against Poverty, Pollution and Corruption

SEO: Search Engine Optimization – Quickly Learn How to Dominate the Search Engines and What You Need to Know 

Home Quick Makeovers Top Tips: Learn How to Design, Decorate and Furnish Your Ideal Home

Flood Your Websites and Blogs with Free Traffic: Quickly Learn How to Send Visitors to Your Web Sites 

Quickly Dominate Social Media Marketing: The Ultimate Guide Top Tips to Pinterest, Google+, Facebook, Twitter,..

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