A Healthy Hack on Ice Cream for Breakfast

If you asked them, my children would say they want a can of frosting for breakfast. Or the cake under it. Or, at minimum, the ice cream served alongside. The first two are absolutely out of the question. But that last morning mealtime fantasy? I’ve figured out a way to indulge it.

In truth, breakfast ice cream is more or less a frozen smoothie. Think: frozen chunks of fruit, icy cubes of dairy or nut milk and a bit of added sweetness. But instead of blending it into a drink to be slurped through a straw, it’s whipped into a frenzy in a food processor, served in a bowl and eaten with a spoon. To the child in all of us, it’s an indulgent dream made real: ice cream for breakfast.


Here’s a game plan for your spoonable, satisfying treat: In the body of a food processor, combine a 12-ounce bag of frozen peaches or raspberries with about a half-cup of yogurt, a pinch of sea salt, 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract and about 3 tablespoons of honey or your favorite sweetener. Seriously puree — two full minutes, scraping down the sides as needed — until it’s completely smooth. Top it with granola, maple syrup or fresh fruit for that sundae feeling.

For a more filling, well-rounded meal, freeze rich milk-like coconut, cashew or whole milk in ice cube trays. Yogurt works, too. Add a few cubes to the fruit mixture before pureeing. Eat it straight away or freeze it for a couple of hours until firm. This cold confection won’t stay fresh for long, so only make what you can eat in a day or two.

Not healthy enough for you? Here’s the base for frozen confection idea number 3: Bananas. Peel them. Cut them into quarters. Freeze them solid. Drop them into your food processor and whirl until totally smooth. Voila! Sweet, creamy and spoon-ready one-ingredient ice cream. This culinary magic trick is almost too good to be true. No one will judge you if you dust that with some sliced almonds or a sprinkle of cocoa powder. You will likely get applause if you scoop it on top of a waffle.


I don’t often take culinary advice from children (“Pizza again?? Really?”), but sometimes the best breakfast ideas sprout from the mouths of babes.

The post A Healthy Hack on Ice Cream for Breakfast appeared first on Under Armour.

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