Danielle Turned Dressing Room Tears into a Lifestyle Transformation

As a nurse at an assisted living facility, Danielle can be called into work at any hour of the day or night with little notice, which made it easy for her to turn to fast food and a sedentary lifestyle. Before she knew it, her weight topped 200 pounds and the bridesmaid dress for her brother’s 2013 wedding didn’t fit.

After shedding tears in the dressing room over the too-small dress, Danielle decided to make a change and dedicated her life to making healthier food and activity choices. When she downloaded the MyFitnessPal app, she was shocked to find out just how many calories she was consuming in a single meal. It was Danielle’s light-bulb moment.

“When I think about my goals for the future, it’s easy to think about them in terms of a weight number. But, to me, it’s more about maintaining a healthy lifestyle and making sure I’m happy with each day. When I think of it that way, I’ve already achieved my goals.”

To take control of her nutrition, she began preparing healthy meals at home and making large batches for the entire week so she wouldn’t be tempted to grab fast food before, during or after work. She also started walking and completed multiple 5K and 10K races, plus a trip to the top of the CN Tower in Toronto.

Today, Danielle is happier than ever and eager to continue the progress she’s already made on her health and fitness journey.


> Carl’s Story
> G’s Story
> Sam’s Story

The post Danielle Turned Dressing Room Tears into a Lifestyle Transformation appeared first on Under Armour.

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