Debunking the Coconut Oil Controversy | This Week in Fitness

We get it: It’s tough to keep up with the latest trends, studies and viral sensations affecting your health. That’s why we’re willing to do the legwork. Every other week, the Under Armour Connected Fitness editorial team hand-curates the biggest stories and goings-on around the world to help you live healthier. Especially if it involves cutting through some of the misconceptions out there. Read on …

Coconut Oil: Friend or Foe?

It took a beating from the health community recently thanks to a study that suggested coconut oil was a cholesterol bomb. But back off the ledge, says this piece from Experience Life, which pumps the brakes a bit on the criticism. At MyFitnessPal, we’ve lauded the benefits of this superfood (in moderation!), and even have eight great recipe suggestions for you. So go ahead and get coco-nuts!

Or Is It Friend or Pho?

We’ll admit it: It drives us crazy when people mispronounce “bruschetta.” But we’ll give you a pass on “gyro” if you’re from New York. Either way, check out this awesome guide from House Beautiful on how to properly pronounce 11 difficult foods.

Chinese Chef With a Cubicle

There’s creative cooking and then there’s Ms. Yeah. This young creative professional has become an internet celebrity thanks to some two-dozen videos that feature her preparing food using ordinary office equipment. We’re not sure your boss will love this, but they’re ridiculously fun to watch.


Our Pets Are Really Just Like Us

We know from past studies that a little more than 1/3 of American adults are technically obese; now a new study shows roughly the same amount of our dogs and cats are, too. At least the medical recommendation is the same: Provide your fuzzy pals a better diet and more exercise. Too bad MyFitnessPal is only for humans.

Calling All Wanna-Be Acrobats

If you’re looking for a new fitness trend and always had dreams of joining the circus, then this potential new craze is for you: slacklining. SELF has the skinny on this twist on the tightrope, which is gaining popularity and is great for your core, working on balance and lower-body strength.

Even Football Players Meditate

Mindfulness and meditation keep creeping into the mainstream, which once dismissed such pursuits as too touchy-feely. But college football is seeing the light. The New York Times has the details on a study that suggests just 12 minutes of meditation per day helps gridiron gladiators be better prepared for the rigors of a demanding Division I NCAA season.


The Secret of the Commuting Napper

You’ve probably all seen that person, who can fall asleep on the train or bus and yet wake up just in time to make her stop. How is this mental trick possible? New York Magazine explores the art of the perfect commuting napper. Is this the ideal way to catch up on those zzz’s? This is a perfect time to study up again on how to get better sleep in 2017.

The Return of ‘Age Is Just a Number’

Have you missed our inspirational stories about seniors? Meet Johanna Quaas, a 91-year-old from Germany who is a stunning gymnast at any age. This past week, she stole the show on NBC’s “Little Big Shots: Forever Young,” twirling and cartwheeling her way to a standing ovation and a salute from four-time Olympic gold-medal winner Simone Biles. Watch her amazing routine here.

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