Got 10 Minutes? Get Yourself a Killer Workout With HIIT

We have good and bad news for you.

The good news first: There’s a way for you to get a killer workout in less than 30 minutes.

Now for the bad news: The excuse “I don’t have time to work out.” will no longer hold any water.

High intensity interval training (or HIIT, as it’s commonly referred to) will get your heart pumping in as little as 5 minutes. HIIT workouts consist of periods of intense activity (pick a movement, any movement!) followed by shorter or equal periods of recovery — and then repeated as many times as you please. What’s even better? Experts recommend you keep your HIIT workouts to less than 30 minutes, which is an easy thing to jump on board with.

Samsung and Under Armour have collaborated to offer an authentic fitness and nutrition experience by combining Samsung’s revolutionary wearable device with Under Armour’s Connected Fitness suite of apps. Whether you’re tracking your nutrition, daily workouts or running routes, this best-in-class partnership makes it easier to reach your personal goals and achieve things you never thought possible.

But before you jump in, there are nuances to doing it to ensure you reap maximum benefits, such as lower blood pressure and cholesterol, better cardiovascular health and increased metabolism following the workout. (Who wouldn’t want those benefits?!)

So before you get started, check out our tips on nailing the perfect HIIT workout — then get out there and crush it in 30 minutes OR LESS!


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