Healthy for the Holidays Fitness Plan: Intervals


Welcome to Day 4: Healthy for the Holidays!

Your Day 4 workout is a focused cardio and body-weight strength interval session that doesn’t require any equipment and can easily be done in a small space at home or in a hotel.

In our workout video below, we’ll alternate cardio intervals with body-weight strength moves for a two-in-one workout! I’ll show you options throughout the routine so you can make the moves work for you and adjust to your current fitness level as you see fit.

Prefer to do your own routine? Schedule 15–20 minutes of your favorite interval-style workout, and check in with us in the comments below or on social media once you are done.

Today’s Healthy for the Holidays Tip: Stay hydrated!

Drinking enough water is not only good for weight loss, but it also helps you fight the extra travel and cold and flu bugs that this season typically brings. Need help making it happen? Check out these 20 great life hacks for drinking more water.

Let me help you fit in fitness 10 minutes at a time with my brand new “Walk On: 10 Minute Quick Walk Mix!” This at-home exercise program features cardio, strength and flexibility routines that work with even the busiest of schedules.

Day 4: Interval Strength + Cardio Workout

This workout can be logged as “AEROBICS, HIGH IMPACT” in your MyFitnessPal app.

Tell us when you’ve completed today’s workout. Share it in the comments below, or tag us in your check-ins @MyFitnessPal so we can cheer you on!

The post Healthy for the Holidays Fitness Plan: Intervals appeared first on Hello Healthy.

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