Hot Cream Cellulite Treatment – Belly Fat Burner for Women and Men – Natural Anti Aging Cream with Antioxidants and Essential Oils Rosemary Lavender Aloe – Deep Tissue Massage Muscle Relaxer

Our anti aging cream boosts circulation to assist in losing weight and eliminate cellulite. When your body stores fat it can develop into cellulite, but we want you to look smooth, young and flawless. Our formula will naturally limit the formation and development of rippling skin. Women and Men alike form these fat cells, but that doesn’t mean you need to accept them. Our lotion will leave you with tighter skin while burning your fat away so you look your best!

We have developed a formula to help your entire, complete body. While it eliminates your cellulite, it promotes elasticity and collagen development within your cells and tissues maintaining a firm, wrinkle free appearance. We want your scars to lighten and your skin to appear brighter, yet still remaining tight, so we used high quality natural ingredients in a complex formula to promote your youthful, soft look leaving you beautiful.

It isn’t all about appearances though. We want you to feel good as well. That’s where the muscle relaxant comes in. Using capsicum annuum and frangipani we have created a mix that will relieve your muscles of strain and enable a deep tissue massage that absorbs into your skin moisturizing and nourishing your skin. Having lavender and spearmint even ensures you will be left feeling calm and fresh. Our formula was developed to make you feel and look great while promoting healthy skin.

  • Muscle Relief
  • Weight loss
  • Anti aging formula
  • Increased circulation
  • Skin firming, wrinkle reducing
  • All natural, no chemicals
  • Product Features

    • OUR CELLULITE TREATMENT for women and men is enriched with Ginger Lily in order to stimulate circulation thereby limiting the rippling effect. Enhanced with Aloe & Meadowfoam Seed Oil it will naturally leave your skin smooth & soft.
    • OUR ANTI AGING formula is full of fruit, such as citrus fruit tangerine & grapefruit, to brighten skin while promoting collagen & elasticity. We added Calendula to remove wrinkles and fine lines while tightening the skin.
    • OUR WEIGHT LOSS recipe is created using various natural quality ingredients, apple mango and orange are just a few. Our prime formula will firm your skin as you lose the weight so no floppy skin will develop.
    • AS A HEATED MUSCLE RELAXING CREAM we ensure optimal results by using calendula menthol and white camphor. We developed it to work for deep tissue massaging with apricot and lavender for a calming effect.
    • OUR HEATED CREAM is made with no chemicals, just natural ingredients for sensitive skin. Full of antioxidants & Vitamins, like Vitamin E A D, our formula ensures your body to burn fat while limiting cellulite & strengthening your skin for a youthful appearance.

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