How to Lose 40 Pounds (Or More) in 30 Days With Water Fasting: How To Lose Weight Fast, Keep it Off & Renew The Mind, Body & Spirit Through Fasting, Smart Eating & Practical Spirituality Book 7

Do you ever ask yourself: “Will I ever lose this weight? Will I reach my goals?”

How many times have you said to yourself: “This year I’m going to lose weight. This is absolutely it!”

And, still, beneath the surface, an accusing, demeaning, condemning voice tells you: “You’ll NEVER make it!”

As a 300+ pound obese man caught in the grips of binge eating disorder, so far gone that I locked myself in my apartment with boxes of pizza, planning to “eat” myself to death, I can say without hesitation that I KNOW how painful it is to see ourselves overweight year after year, getting fatter as well as older, and with no indication that anything could change.

What’s worse, for those of us who have been (or are) overweight, we are sowing terrible seeds of sickness that, as we age, come out of nowhere and can cause some serious problems.

Let me ask you a simple question: Given the chance, would you dive in and do whatever it took to achieve your weight loss goals?

Wouldn’t you like to find a system where you could lose one-to-three pounds daily and never gain the weight back?

Well, I’m here to tell you that there IS hope! I escaped from the hellish prison of obesity and binge eating, and now my work is to carry the message to others that THEY can do it as well.

Losing weight and keeping it off CAN be done, and nothing will get you there quicker than water fasting, AND, afterwards, the prompt implementation of a structured eating plan, which in this case I call The Permanent Weight Loss Diet.

Welcome to How to Lose 40 Pounds (Or More) in 30 Days with Water Fasting, the kitchen’s sink book where we talk about water fasting, what it is, how it works and how much weight it can help you lose, promptly giving the reader a list of banned foods, shopping lists and menu options for a 14-day pre-fasting diet, designed to kick start weight loss and detoxification before the actual water fast begins.

Hunger and fasting detox symptoms are discussed in detail; numerous tricks and mental techniques are presented to vanquish these ever-looming foes, thus allowing the reader to go the distance and accomplish his or her goals. Meanwhile, we look at several fasting studies and how proof continues to mount that calorie restriction can be good for our health.

The author discusses the spiritual side of fasting and outlines a simple yet powerful way to tap into this mystery. Having completed the 14-day Pre-Fasting Preparation, the reader is asked to pick a date and prepare to begin 30 days of water fasting. However, intermittent fasting options are given for those who may not be ready to go the distance yet. The 30-day water fast is launched with the company of motivational messages and recitation of ‘the warrior’s mindset,’ powerful words that give the faster a jolt of inspiration, hope, courage and motivation.

Upon completion of the 30-day fast, the author presents in detail how to appropriately break a long-term fast. The breaking a fast process moves into the climactic Permanent Weight Loss Diet, a simple but effective long-term diet that can help the reader lose more fat as well as stabilize his or her weight.

Last but certainly not least, this book comes together with The Fasting Masterclass, a six-module presentation on Fasting from A-Z that will keep your mind busy, motivated, supported and inspired. The media is available in .mp4 video and .mp3 audio, so no matter where you go, you can take me with you. Together, we will reach the finish line!

So don’t wait any longer! No more procrastination, no more fear… no more! Your life IS valuable. You DO count! And you DO deserve to be happy! My dear friend, please… walk through the process without fear. Yes, there will be temporary physical and sometimes emotional discomfort, but these give way to a freedom and joy unlike anything you can begin to imagine.

So do it! Do it today! And, remember, with the Masterclass videos and audios, I am walking be

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