How To Lose Weight After The Diet Fails: Why I Can’t Lose Weight , Obesity Is Hormonal Dis Balance As Well

How To Lose Weight After The Diet Fails?— Discover the Secrets Behind Successful Weight Loss by Leila Fazlicic is the no holds barred how-to book for losing weight and being happy. The author gives you step-by-step advice on the importance of hormonal balance, proper mind set, balance your hormones, the right foods to eat, different kinds of diets, supplemental nutrition and much more. All from a nutrition and weight loss expert who experienced the roller coaster of weight gain and loss.

Fazlicic whose family was caught in the Bosnian War of the 1990s first came to America bone skinny. As she adopted the American way of life she began to gain weight, becoming “morbidly obese” within just 2 years. With that started her journey of learning as much as she could about nutrition and weight loss while proving she could lose enough to reach her BMI.

Being overweight can make you feel tired, discouraged, embarrassed and sick. Your performance at work often suffers while making you unable to be the person you want to be at home. With our busy lives that often forces us to eat junk, we gain weight that seems almost impossible to lose.

Fazlicic sets this trend on its head with a common sense approach to weight loss backed by solid science. How To Lose Weight After The Diet Fails gives anyone the smart advice and strong motivation you need to lose just as much weight as you want.

While many diets focus on helping you lose 5 or 10 pounds within a few weeks, this book gives you the power to lose just as much weight as you need to. It covers the wide range of major diets, hormonal balance is required for permanent weight loss, proper nutrition, great low carb diet meal ideas, healthy recipes, foods that are particularly diet friendly and much more.

One topic this book tackles with fervor is how stress can effect weight gain. Experts say few other factors match the influence of today’s rampant stress on the high percentage of people who are overweight.

Being under stress can entice us to eat foods high in sugar, sodium, and fat. These things can become frequent stress reducers and a way to relax. This can lead to rapid weight gain that only increases the stress. The cycle continues creating a major problem for millions of people.

This book shows you how to reduce your stress, to be cognizant of the way stress is influencing your eating habits, and ways to break the stress cycle that prohibits weight loss.

Fazlicic tops the book off with delicious healthy versions of American favorites, proving you can eat better and lose weight while still enjoying delicious meals.

Some of these recipes are Meatballs, Red Beans with Sausage, Chicken and Potatoes, Stuffed Peppers, Rice with Chicken Drumsticks and a host of others.

This book shows you can eat flavor filled meals and treats that aren’t filled with fat, sodium, and sugar. Whether your goal is lowering your carbs, avoiding fast food, or simply living a more natural lifestyle while losing lots of weight, How To Lose Weight After The Diet Fails is your handbook to success.

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