Hypnosis – Now Lose Weight While You Sleep Using Self Hypnosis: Hypnosis – Now Lose Weight While You Sleep Using Self Hypnosis, Affirmations, Visualizations & Imagery

This book holds very important lessons for you to learn and bring about the desired change in your life. In my 41 years of experience as NLP trainer, mind programmer and a hypnotist, I have seen the world change before my eyes. As I work closely with a lot of different people, I have noticed a change in the thinking and the way people now perceive the world to be.
Out of the many things that have caught my attention, there is one phenomenon that has certainly started troubling most of the people… i.e., losing weight. In this world where appearance is everything, people have been spending or rather splurging money on everything that can give them the perfect body and weight. Everyone wishes to have a perfect body in order to feel accepted and liked by everyone around them.
I welcome you to the other side of the fitness world where you will learn how to lose weight and become slim without exercising or spending a lot of money on weight loss products. It is not a rocket science to understand your eating habits and then work on losing weight, but how you choose to lose weight makes a lot of difference. This being the most desired thing by everyone, I will enlighten you with the knowledge that is relevant to this topic. I will be concentrating on these particular areas in this book to help you achieve what you desire.
You’re going to learn some powerful techniques that will help you re-programme your mind and automatically do things that will help you control your weight.
With the help of these techniques that I have in store for you, you will also learn to integrate and use the power of your mind for a more happy and healthy life. Just dedicate 5 minutes out of the 24 hours that you have, to practice the techniques given in this book. You will start feeling something change in you and it will take you to where you wish to see yourself.
This book has been designed in a very simple manner and requires your full focus and concentration to achieve positive results. Hence, I suggest you to read this book when you would not be disturbed by anyone. Have a pen and notebook ready to take down the notes. Choose a comfortable & peaceful place to sit, which has preferably minimal or no distractions at all. I have given various practice assignments in this book for you to do. Try and follow them in the manner instructed.

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