Is Morning Coffee the Key to Longer Life? | This Week in Fitness

Whether you’re trying to improve your mile time or live forever, we’ve got the tips you need to make it happen. Every other week, the Under Armour Connected Fitness editorial team hand-curates the biggest stories and goings-on around the world to help you live healthier. So, if you’re ready to become better, faster and stronger, read on …

For Long Life, Make It a Venti

Coffee lovers, rejoice! Drinking your java could help you live longer and boost your overall health, according to two new studies. We already know that coffee can also boost your performance in the gym — just cool it with the sweet additions to make sure your cup of joe isn’t a calorie bomb.

But Pass on the Fries

File this under “the truth hurts.” According to another study, people who eat fried potatoes two or more times a week double their risk of early death. The trans fats in oils used to cook french fries, potato chips and other fried fare can increase “bad” cholesterol that could lead to heart disease, researchers said. If the thought of living in a world without french fries seems worse than premature demise, try this healthier alternative.

Firing Up the Grill Across the USA

YouTube compiled data on the most popular grilling videos by state, and the results are fire-roasted goodness: The heartland seems to prefer ribs, while East Coasters seek out chicken and fish recipes. No matter what you’re grilling, check out these healthy ways to enjoy pool party food without blowing your calorie budget.


More of Us Are Running, Which Kills the Curve

Except for the elite among us, runners in the U.S. are getting slower, according to a new mega-study. One theory: It could be that more people are interested in running, and the newbies are dragging down the average finish time. We say, the more the merrier! Check out this video on training for your first 5K.

Run Buddies That Bite

Kenyan native Moninda Marube was running near his home in Auburn, Maine, when he was greeted by some unexpected workout buddies: two black bears. Knowing these critters can climb and swim, Marube hightailed it to safety in an abandoned house about 30 yards away. If you’re looking to add some excitement to your workout, we recommend a human coach instead of a big, furry one.

Should You “Runplug”?

Here at TWiF, we already know music is a great way to motivate yourself to work out, but it can also distract you from the task at hand. One runner turned off the tunes and found she was more able to focus on her surroundings and form. As for us? We’re not giving up our Spotify Premium subscriptions anytime soon.


Big Burn on a Budget

From SoulCycle to Orangetheory, boutique fitness studios are trendier than ever, but their classes often come with big price tags. One Shape writer found the secret to getting free exercise classes could be as simple as picking up a shift at the front desk. No time for the extra gig? These online exercise classes get you sweating for a fraction of the cost.

Yet Another Yogi Twist

If you’ve tried goat yoga, Harry Potter yoga and beer yoga, and you’re still bored with vanilla vinyasa, here’s another option to spice things up: floating yoga. Yogis at TMPL Gym in New York attempt to hold yoga poses while balancing on a board floating in a pool. If you’re ready for an intense core workout — and you’re not afraid to get wet — jump in!

The post Is Morning Coffee the Key to Longer Life? | This Week in Fitness appeared first on Under Armour.

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