Lose Weight: Making A Complete Lifestyle Change (easy weight loss, fast lose weight, forever fit weight loss guide, weight loss, diet, losing stomach fat, lose belly fat Book 1)

Have you dreamed of shedding weight and keeping it off? If you’ve ever tried a fad diet or tried to count calories, you know that losing weight can be challenging. Reading Losing Weight: Making a Lifestyle Change is the first step to learning how to lose weight for real, and to build yourself a better life!

This book is meant to a fun, practical guide to jumpstarting your weight loss. You don’t even need to shell out a ludicrous amount of money, like you do with a gym or program! If you truly want to make a lifestyle change, there are certain steps you can start taking right now, and this book helps outline them for you. You will need to plan for success and set smart goals, organize your diet plan, and get your body moving!

Don’t worry about what level you’re starting at, because you’ll be brought up to speed pretty quickly about all the aspects of a healthy lifestyle. To be a true master of your health, it’s important to know the facts about nutrition and exercise and the impacts they have on your body. You should also be aware of the fad diets and crazy weight loss schemes out there that just don’t work. By having this information, you can save valuable time in your weight loss journey by making informed choices from the get-go, because unfortunately there are no shortcuts!

It’s a lot of information to digest in a short amount of time, but it’s the only information that actually matters if you’re trying to lose weight and be healthier. The journey is not always going to be easy, but it’s guaranteed to be worth it. It’s never too late to start reaping the benefits of a healthier life, but why wait any longer?

Get started by purchasing this eBook today!

Inside You’ll Find…

  • The proper way to perform exercises you’ve been doing you’re whole life that’ll make your workouts more efficient (and much less painful), and also some exercises to work muscles you may not have known you had, all from the comfort of your own home!

  • Where to find motivation when you’re feeling none, and how to get your fitness journey organized.

  • Your guide to getting started with meal prep, and some tasty recipes to boot!

  • A quick yet through nutritional lesson to provide you the tools to figure out what healthy changes you can make in your diet.

  • Shake and smoothie recipes that will make you fall in love with your blender (all over again).

  • The crazy-amazing short and long-term benefits to living a healthy lifestyle—even more motivation to keep at it!

  • The easiest banana pancake recipe you will ever make, the only one you will ever need.

  • A quick guide to healthy “freezer bag” dinners, and of course some recipes to try!

  • And so much more!

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