Mindful Eating: A Guide to Rediscovering a Healthy and Joyful Relationship with Food (Revised Edition)

Mindfulness can restore the healthy relationship with food we were meant to have.

Food. It should be one of life’s great pleasures, yet many of us have such a conflicted relationship with it that we miss out on that most basic of satisfactions.  But it is possible—and not really all that difficult–to reclaim the joy of eating, according to Dr. Jan Bays, and mindfulness is the key. Her approach involves bringing one’s full attention to the process of eating—to all the tastes, smells, thoughts, and feelings that arise during a meal.  She shows how to:

·         Tune into your body’s own wisdom about what, when, and how much to eat
·         Eat less while feeling fully satisfied
·         Identify your habits and patterns with food
·         Develop a more compassionate attitude toward your struggles with eating
·         Discover what you’re really hungry for

Whether you are overweight, suffer from an eating disorder, or just want to get more out of life, this book offers a simple tool that can transform your relationship with food into one of ease and delight.
This new edition, updated  throughout, contains a new chapter on how to provide  children with a foundation in mindful eating that will serve them well all the rest of their lives. It also includes a link to a 75-minute on-line audio program of mindful eating exercises led by the author.

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