The Keto Diet: An Effective and Simple Guide for Starting the Ketogenic Diet and Losing Weight Fast, Including Easy Low-Carb Recipes (Trisha’s diet books Book 2)

The ketogenic diet has been all the rage, but it can still be difficult to know where to even begin to get started on such a big lifestyle change. In The Keto Diet: An Effective and Simple Guide for Starting the Ketogenic Diet and Losing Weight Fast, Including Easy Low-Carb Recipes, you will be provided with everything you need to know to start the ketogenic diet without any trouble. A change in your diet does not have to be stressful, time-consuming, or expensive.
The ketogenic diet may seem to be another fad diet that will help you lose a few pounds before you gain them right back, although in actuality this diet has nearly a century of history being used in the treatment of neurological and neurodegenerative illnesses, preventing cardiovascular disease, lowering cholesterol, reducing aging and the risk of cancer, and in weight loss as well. There are thousands of scientific studies showing the ketogenic diet to be successful in both improving health and reducing weight in the short term and long term.
You will learn about the macro ratio and how to calculate one specifically for you, the importance of micronutrients and how to ensure you are eating enough, the three types of the ketogenic diet and how to choose which is best for your lifestyle, how you can either loose or gain weight depending on your situation, the types of intermittent fasting and how to work them into the ketogenic diet seamlessly, how to deal with the keto flu and lessen its symptoms, and answers to the most frequently asked questions. This book will provide you will all of the tools you need for a successful ketogenic diet, whether your goal is to lose weight, gain health, or consume less junk food.

In this book, you will find:
●The history and science behind the ketogenic diet
●The health benefits of going keto
●How to treat the keto flu
●The importance of the macro ratio and micronutrients
●The difference of the standard, targeted, and cyclical ketogenic diets and how to use them if you are an athlete
●Healthy keto-friendly food sources
●How to pair the ketogenic diet with intermittent fasting
●Answers to the most frequently asked questions
●And 20 easy and inexpensive tasty ketogenic recipes, including Jalapeno Popper Chicken, Fluffy Almond Flour Pancakes, Creamy Lemon Shrimp Zoodles, Antipasto Salad, Chocolate Cheesecake Fat Bombs, and Zucchini Brownies
●And more…

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