Top Nutritionists Love These Instagram Accounts

There’s so much inspiration (and food porn) on Instagram that you could spend months, it seems, making yourself very, very, very hungry. But since you don’t have that kind of time, you should be picky about what you allow to take up space in your feed.

That’s why we asked nutritionists who their favorite foodie Instagrammers are. If nutrition experts follow them, they have to be good — and (fairly) healthy, too. Start following these people for mouthwatering photos, cooking hacks, permission to enjoy dessert and delicious yet easy recipes you’ll actually want to make.

Instagram Photo

KERI GANS, RDN, @kerigans

“I love Keri’s no-nonsense approach to food and nutrition. And her yoga poses are impressive and motivating!” says Jackie Newgent, RDN, culinary nutritionist and author of “The All-Natural Diabetes Cookbook.”

The post Top Nutritionists Love These Instagram Accounts appeared first on Under Armour.

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