Yoga for Weight Loss: Mindfulness Therapy & Home Practice Book (The Yoga Place Book): How to Lose Weight Fast, Fastest Way to Lose Weight, Healthy Living, Yoga Poses, Teaching Yoga

“Modern yoga is an efficient and a reliable means of mind and body strengthening providing the quick result.”

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Do you live like most people nowadays, being busy as a bee and running in a vicious circle ‘home-job-home’? Do you feel that your muscles weaken, the skin becomes decrepit, extra weight appears? However, at the same time, you think that you ‘have no time’ to take care of yourself, move actively and have an adequate rest? In fact, to restore strength and health of your body and spirit, you need just a little time! The unique yoga complexes for practicing at home and in the workplace will require minimum efforts and will provide the maximum result! Yoga, the mysterious heritage of the East, became closer and more habitual to people of the 21st century as a transparent and efficient approach to the health and beauty. The possibility to keep your movements easy and flexible for the whole life is worth practicing yoga every day.

In this book, we will consider the basic asanas (exercises), you will learn about the sets of exercises for weight loss for belly and hips, and with special cleansing breathing yoga. All the games were developed for shape restoration. The exercises given in this book will help you to return the forgotten sense of movement flexibility and ease vivacity and tirelessness. The quick restoration of the tone of hip, buttocks, and abdomen muscles creates the visible picture of weight loss even earlier than the pressure starts decreasing objectively. This creates the wonderful stimulus for further lessons immediately.

Classic yoga is the path of self-understanding and world perception that covers many decades. However, nowadays a person entering yoga hall usually wants to obtain the quick result, to make sure that yoga is just what he or she needed. Due to such mass demand, the direction, which emerged spontaneously got the name of fitness yoga, yoga for beauty, health and good mood. This does not mean that modern yoga breaks the fundamentals of classic yogic doctrine. No way!

Here You Will Learn…

  • How Does Yoga Help to Lose Weight?
  • Breathing Yoga for Weight Loss
  • Simple Yoga for Weight Loss
  • Yoga for Weight Loss on Belly — Just 15 Minutes a Day!
  • Bonus! Yoga for Weight Loss of Legs and Hips: 12 Exercises for Practice at Home (Complete collection – save $2.99)
  • Much, much more! …Free Gift Inside 😉

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