This Week in Health & Fitness: Tried the Toilet Paper Workout?

You’re looking for inspiration, and we’re here to provide it with a new edition of “This Week in Health & Fitness.” Every other week, the Under Armour Connected Fitness editorial team hand-curates the biggest stories, trends and goings-on around the world that will help you on your quest to live a healthy lifestyle. Enough with the warm-up, let’s get to work!

Behold, the Toilet Paper Workout

File this under “exercising any time, anywhere, with anything.” A Seattle personal trainer developed a Tabata-based home workout using — you guessed it — rolls of toilet paper, which she posted to her Instagram account. And it’s got upwards of 775,000 views. Admit it, you’re fascinated. Want the full workout? She spells the whole thing out in Shape magazine.

Is Your City Healthy?

Last month, we detailed how one study calculated the most popular American cities for active millennials. But are they the healthiest cities? Here’s another study that took into account 34 different indicators — such number of doctor visits, amount of veggies consumed and fitness clubs per capita — and ranked the 150 healthiest cities in America. Where does your town rank?

Who’s the Fittest? Twitter Knows

Data is objective by nature. How you interpret it is another story — and this one is a blast: This study looked at Twitter activity to figure out which states were burning and eating the most calories. Quick summary: There’s a huge concentration of runners in Colorado … and bacon eaters in South Dakota.

Tweet Your Way to Diet Success

Speaking of Twitter indicators, are you tipping your hand at how dedicated you are to your diet? A team of Georgia Tech researchers believe they can predict your success rate with 77% accuracy based on your tone and word choice when you tweet. Better get moving on your #MondayMotivation.


If This Is a Fad Diet, Count Us Out

One thing we won’t recommend: swallowing a balloon for weight loss. That’s the premise of a new technique that aims to gradually shrink your stomach. One participant tells her story to Time magazine. We will repeat: We do not believe in get-thin-quick solutions. But we do believe in marveling at how people put themselves through almost anything.

The Best Fast Food in America

Need hard proof as to why fast food is often a poor choice? The folks at The Ringer ranked their top 50 fast-food items, and while the research was probably pretty fun, our eyes are bulging at the calorie counts. Two wit: Just one bacon cheeseburger from Five Guys gets you two-thirds of the way to the total MyFitnessPal-recommended daily calorie count. As if you needed us to tell you to eat with caution.

Bookmark These Health Gurus

OK, back to the healthy role models. Check out this exhaustive list of the 100 most influential people in health and fitness by Greatist. Special shoutout to our Under Armour representation: Misty Copeland, Kathryn Budig, Todd Durkin, Tom Brady and, of course, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.


> Ingredient of the Week: 10 Nutritious and Delicious Broccoli Recipes
> How MyFitnessPal Empowered Me to Beat My Eating Disorder
> Is It OK to Exercise Hungover?
> Experts Weigh in on the Causes of Sleepwalking and Talking

Live From San Quentin

There are running crews and then there are running crews. Check out this fascinating look at the 1,000 Mile Club, the official running club of San Quentin State Prison in Northern California. And yes, they even run marathons.

The Kindness of Strangers

We’ve got another feel-good story for you, this one of a man who left a cold water bottle out for a stranger who just happened to run past his house in Virginia nearly every morning for six straight months. “Because of him, I push myself a little harder,” she says.

Age Is Just a Number, Part 4

You love tales of people defying Father Time, and so do we. This time around, it’s a sprint between a 99-year-old and a 92-year-old at the Masters Indoor Track Championships. We think they’re both winners — and we are inspired to get moving immediately.


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